Recently I was building my Symfony development box with Vagrant and faced problem how to install less compiler. After some searches I decided that best(?) way to install lessc is from Debian backports. Now I had another problem, how to install package from backports? Solution wasn’t easy to find, however I used these steps:
Install apt puppet module, in Vagrantfile add these lines:
$script = <<EOF mkdir -p /etc/puppet/modules (puppet module list | grep puppetlabs-apt) || puppet module install puppetlabs-apt --version 1.4.2 EOF config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => $script
Now in your puppet manifest file include apt, add backports source, and install package like any other:
include apt class node-less { include apt::backports apt::source { 'debian_backports': location => '', release => 'wheezy-backports', repos => 'main', include_src => false, } package { 'node-less': ensure => present, require => apt::source['debian_backports'] } }